Thursday, November 23, 2006

why is it shameful to be naked ?

Why does a normal person feel uncomfortable when he or she is naked before a lot of ppl ?

why do human beings consider exposing genitals bad and why do they always cover them ?

Well ... man was first on four limbs like all other animals in the forest, he was a social animal then too. They hunted other animals and some time other animals hunted them down. With time, as part of evolution, man's brain grew larger and he became intelligent. Other changes in the body allowed him to stand on two feet and he used the two hands for a variety of activities.

Now when he was hunting animals, he realised that if he was attacked from the front, with a great probability the claws of the animal would land on his genitals causing him a great pain compared to the wounds on his legs, thighs or chest. Furthermore when he was attempting to run fast, the continous swaying of the genitals caused him a problem. Consequently man started covering his genitals and it has become a part of life and then it became a social norm. One might wonder that the head of the human being is another part of the body that when attacked causes fatal injury to man. True, but he needed eyes to see the prey, nose to smell, ears to hear, and mouth to call others. All these four sensory organs are in the head and are important while hunting so he couldnt cover the head while hunting.. so he left the head open and covered his genitals which are not required while hunting other animals.

Alternative theory: As man became a part of the society he leant that to be socially accepted he has to hide his emotions very frequently. though face is the index of the mind.. man grew intelligent enough to hide his emotions, giving a pleasant smile to others around him though he was very sad or angry or jealous.. but one emotion that the face could not cover was lust, as it got exposed between his legs (read between shoulders for women). so there evolved the process of hiding his genitals.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

These are interesting theories...but they fail to explain why women cover their genitals.

Theory 1
Women were usually at home when the men went hunting. They usually were naked at home and had a lot of free time. So they started trying 'it' with different animals. Some animals hurt, so they bled. They were also too exhausted by the time their men got back. So they started covering their genitals, indicating that they had 'those' days. On other days they didnt wear anything. So even today, one sees more naked women than men, and even today they have 'those' days.

Theory 2
To hide one's emotions, one needed to cover one's body. Since women were too emotional, they found it more pertinent to cover their whole body. So even today, one sees women covering more parts of their body than men.

Theory 3
Since the conclusions of Theory 1 and Theory 2 contradict each other, there must be another theory to synergise. This theory attempts to do that, but without success. So, sorry!