Monday, July 16, 2007

WikiHit version 1.0 - a game for wiki lovers

The rules of the game:

Discuss with your fellow players and choose a word - say 'Reese Witherspoon'. Lets call the wiki page on this as target page.

Now go to
click on the link random article. The site would throw you a page a random. Lets call this Page zero. Fasten your seat belts, your time begins now.

Now with out using ur keyboard, traversing only through the links given in the page zero try to reach the target page.

The winnng criterion could be least number of clicks, or least time or a combination of both.

This game requires both luck and skill. The lucky ones might get any hollywood celebrity page or a movie page as page zero. The skill factor comes in choosing the plausible nearest link to the target page from among the various links in each page. Now thats some exercise on reading comprehension & sixth sense. isnt it?

You can improve the game with more rules & constraints for more fun. Some of them I could think of are:
Not allowed to click the back button
Not opening new windows or new tabs

Goodluck havefun

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