Monday, July 16, 2007

WikiHit version 1.0 - a game for wiki lovers

The rules of the game:

Discuss with your fellow players and choose a word - say 'Reese Witherspoon'. Lets call the wiki page on this as target page.

Now go to
click on the link random article. The site would throw you a page a random. Lets call this Page zero. Fasten your seat belts, your time begins now.

Now with out using ur keyboard, traversing only through the links given in the page zero try to reach the target page.

The winnng criterion could be least number of clicks, or least time or a combination of both.

This game requires both luck and skill. The lucky ones might get any hollywood celebrity page or a movie page as page zero. The skill factor comes in choosing the plausible nearest link to the target page from among the various links in each page. Now thats some exercise on reading comprehension & sixth sense. isnt it?

You can improve the game with more rules & constraints for more fun. Some of them I could think of are:
Not allowed to click the back button
Not opening new windows or new tabs

Goodluck havefun

Friday, July 13, 2007

Is there a Charlie in you ?

The first time I saw the movie 'Me Myself & Irene', I guess I was in the latter half of my teens. It was hilarious and I had a good laugh. Jim Carrey, his three kids, the kids’ actual father, the cow on the highway, made me laugh big time. Charlie and Hank the two faces of Jim Carrey had such contrasting attitudes toward life and thus their behavior. It’s a funny movie based on schizophrenia. That was about it, until it suddenly crossed my mind a few hours ago. It suddenly occurred to me that I have seen the real Charlie some where.

Charlie is a nice guy, who is unable to say no, constantly trying to please people around him. Well, it makes him a very amiable guy, helps him make friends easily but at what cost? A volcano that got seeded since he doesn’t know when, that was dormant all along suddenly becomes active. Since it’s intended to be a fun movie the relatively tough and bad guy Hank does only mischief to entertain the audience, but what if the Hank is dangerous? There are a whole lot of movies that depict schizophrenic characters in the bad side as well.

Though all the guys who are like Charlie, trying their best to please others might not turn schizophrenics, they might still trouble themselves and others around them. These people tend to lie frequently as they believe that it’s always best to please and help others. With out their knowing they develop an obsessive compulsion to lie. They reach a point when they find it impossible say NO. They could be bright, smart individuals who can analyze a given situation very thoroughly but they are carried away in the heat of the moment to please others. Even if they realize that they ultimately have to say no they tend to procrastinate the ‘no’ landing themselves and those dependent on them into trouble.

There are many Charlies around. You come across them in your work place, in school, or even at home. The best Charlie whom I can think of is Karna the eldest son of Kunti in Mahabharata. Not intending to disturb his teacher when a wasp stings him, he remains silent bearing the pain only to incur the teacher’s wrath later. Knowing that Lord Indra would come in an opportune moment to take away his immortal shield he does nothing. Knowing that he is on the wrong side in the war, well aware that the Kauravas are the bad guys he continues to stand by his friend Duryodhana, for he doesn’t want to bring a mark to their friendship. The only time he says NO is to his mother is when she asks him to spare the Pandavas in war. Even that’s less than a quarter NO as he says to her ‘will not harm any of your sons, save Arjuna’

So if you think you are a Charlie learn to say NO. The first step is realizing that you are a Charlie. Then find a way yourself. Don’t ask me how ;)

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Unconventional stress busters

To beat stress Hanuman might work out in the gym, Vishwa Mitra might prefer yoga, Sita might visit the spa for a good massage, Draupadi might take a shower, Krishna might hit the dance floor flooding with girls, Ravana might booze or prefer a few hits to soothe his heads, Kubera might want to gamble away some of his largesse, Bhima might clean up a couple of Mc Ds.

Wanna beat the gods ? You can try out the following simple unconventional stress busting techniques at home.

Buy a packet of potato wafers or nachos. Munch a few and save the rest to beat the stress. This is what you do : take a handful of the wafers or nachos and crush them to powder in your palm by folding your fingers in and out. In the words of uncle Barney it feels awesomely awesome. Repeat this activity along as you feel good. It does work because a lot of stress generally builds up in ur palms and fingers owing to lack of adequate blood supply. This is the reason why masseurs spend considerable time on your fingers.

The second technique is for your feet:

when you soak your to-be-washed clothes in surf or ariel, use luke warm water. Wash ur legs and stand in the bucket over the soaked clothes for a while, now start slowing moving ur legs up and down so that entire surface of the sole gets in touch with the warm soaked clothes. For best results use soaked jeans. Its slightly rough texture relieves the stress in less than 5 min.

The gods must be crazy! Says who ??