Sunday, December 31, 2006

the last supper - 1000 words attempting to replace a pic

lets begin....

the table begins>>

one end of the old wooden table.. which could have been made from the woods from ottignies itself... covered by a brown plastic cover..or may it was yellow when it was new..and notwith the holes it now has... sitting on this table is a bowl of spinach boiled with cream bought from a turkish grocery in ottignies itself .. adjacent to the spinach dish was the 'ragout' made with turkey and lot of cheese, the ragout was made two days ago.. it came out of the refrigerator a few minutes ago though.. on one of the points of circumference of the ragout dish was an empty blanc wine of italy... also next to the hagu dish was the 'avial' - a typical keralite dish... and next to it was the 'rasam' made of some dal and to the rasam was the typical belgian dish made with some shrilled ham and some legumes and vegetables and some cheese.. to two of the both points on the circumference of the dish exactly opposite to each other are two rouges which are actually red wines but at the table they call it rouge for red.. belgians are lucky to have wine at the table so frequently.. arent they... ? so next to the typical belgian dish ends the table
<< and the men begin

So when table ends with the belgian dish begins the biggest man inthe group called 'arnoud' sitting as the host though he was the guest..he is now watching the champions league match between AC Milan and the belgian team Andheileit ..the second leg of the match in Milan ..after Andheileit lost at home. Andheileit trying its best being 1 -3 down 64 min, to the right of achnau was stefan to whom we got introduced only today.. tall fair guy with sharp looks sits cool and is known for growing *i*t* at to this stefan was a guy who looks like a journalist .. with spectacles, some grey hair and a 'searching' look.. we knew him for quite some time and he is the guy who loves the spicy indian dishes (made by prashant) most among our belgian pals .. next to him was Mary talking something and having a cigaret in her right hand .. Facing mary was her boyfriend Francious..who is my home mate.. the happiest guy in the lot.. next to him is the 'spicy boy' prashant..i guess he is already out by now.. all i can see is that his eyes are lost into the TV .. i dont know what his eyes are coveying to his brain .. probably shots of *h*t*
next to him is the haymaker to the haymaker is Gilles, the guy whom i like the most.. he is currently showin some funny pics to the group.. those are really funny.. as i am righting as i glanc over the monitor at the other end of the room i see them.. havin met after quite some time the group is reminiscing their time at this house a few months ago.. andheiliet still fighting 1-3 down and its the 79th minute.. oops whazzup ..the prashanth is up making fun of the pics Gilles is showing.. so save this once to save..

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