Tuesday, November 28, 2006

babel.. Countries fight but people love each other..

the feeling that I have after watching the movie .. is something that I would want to retain.. because it makes me think a lot abt 'whats happening around the world today'

the feeling puts u at shame, in the sense that u are oblivious of the problems in the world .. it questions me piercingly "wtf did u do today? wtf will u do now ? go home, have dinner, sleep and get lost tomorrow into a world thats very different from the world uve seen in BABEL..

why do people love each other so much .. and yet countries hate and fight each other so much..
The governments bent upon catching the guys who shot the tourists even at the cost of saving the injured tourists.. it just doesnt stop there.. the episode of brad pitt dying to find an ambulance only makes u think about the thousands of people living in the village for centuries .. they never had an ambulance ..

the plight of the governess who takes the two kids of brad to her sons wedding.. is worth living to understand the meaning of losing what u built for 16 years.. lost in the border along with the kids to evade the mexico sandiago border she tries her best to take them back home.. she ends up in the police jeep on the suspicion of immigrating illegally..

we do come across people on the road from various organisations that aim to provide aid to immigrants or orphans or the old aged.. we only try to evade them.. may be its time to atleast understand what they are donig and if possible help them.. i am afraid this feeling that I have will be lost before tomorrow morning ..

we have done a lot to put ourselves into trouble .. we invented technology , weapons only to move so fast that we realise we dont know the next person or the next family around.. may be its time to slow down...

i just realised that me living happily doesnt imply that the world is living happily .. happiness is something that can be shared with any number of people with out reducing it at all..

Thursday, November 23, 2006

why is it shameful to be naked ?

Why does a normal person feel uncomfortable when he or she is naked before a lot of ppl ?

why do human beings consider exposing genitals bad and why do they always cover them ?

Well ... man was first on four limbs like all other animals in the forest, he was a social animal then too. They hunted other animals and some time other animals hunted them down. With time, as part of evolution, man's brain grew larger and he became intelligent. Other changes in the body allowed him to stand on two feet and he used the two hands for a variety of activities.

Now when he was hunting animals, he realised that if he was attacked from the front, with a great probability the claws of the animal would land on his genitals causing him a great pain compared to the wounds on his legs, thighs or chest. Furthermore when he was attempting to run fast, the continous swaying of the genitals caused him a problem. Consequently man started covering his genitals and it has become a part of life and then it became a social norm. One might wonder that the head of the human being is another part of the body that when attacked causes fatal injury to man. True, but he needed eyes to see the prey, nose to smell, ears to hear, and mouth to call others. All these four sensory organs are in the head and are important while hunting so he couldnt cover the head while hunting.. so he left the head open and covered his genitals which are not required while hunting other animals.

Alternative theory: As man became a part of the society he leant that to be socially accepted he has to hide his emotions very frequently. though face is the index of the mind.. man grew intelligent enough to hide his emotions, giving a pleasant smile to others around him though he was very sad or angry or jealous.. but one emotion that the face could not cover was lust, as it got exposed between his legs (read between shoulders for women). so there evolved the process of hiding his genitals.

young Vs old

2 mushrooms down... matheur and I started discussing abt capitalist society, communist society, socialist and altermondealism.. mathuer born and brought up in belgium believes capitalism is not the right economy.. he says its full of flaws.. its more abt money than people..

2 reasons given by matheur that I liked the most .. he first defined economy as a process of production, distributing and selling things with the objective of improving the society.. but capitalism he says doesnt improve the society .. it makes rich richer and poor poorer.. and secondly he gave simple example ... u and i put money inthe bank becos it is safe and we earn some interest .. but the money deposited in the bank could be loaned to ppl who invest in defence companies that do make weapons like land mines which kill other ppl.. what fking sort of an economy is this .. questioned matheur.. well he was right...

i on the other hand being born and brought up in India and on account of my learning at a business school cant stop appreciating capitalism.. india was a socialist democracy for around 40 years since its independence .. and I knew how terrible our productivity was and how inferior our products were... when capitalism started spreading its wings rapidly since 1992.. ive seen and lived in the wonders of the outputs of capitalism... be it the dirt cheap airfares in india now or the amazing penetration of mobile telephones.. i felt and i still feel it does wonders for our society... secondly capitalism encourages or stimulates innovation to increase productivity and develop new technology..

and then it dawned ... most of the countries in western europe have lived in capitalism for more than a century .. they have seen it all .. its goods its bads ... they are like grand fathers who have seen a lot of life and it doesnt excite them a lot..

i and india are kids wrt capitalism .. we have seen it work for say at max 15 years in our society.. its like being a teenager who was just given a lot of freedom by his parents.. he only sees the good things in the world around .. so i believe that i am still looking at the wonders that capitalism can create .. and matheur who is over a 100 yr old in terms of living in capitalism is seeing the other side of it ...

well ... when u have very different perspectives .. mushrooms work well to make u understand why u have diff perspectives..

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Chocolate Vs Vanilla

"but I still love the chocolate flavor.. its my all time favorite" said the girl. "but once you have said you love the chocolate .. shouldnt u stick to it at all times ?" questioned the boy..

" Oh come on its fine.. I eat the chocolate daily but once in a while when I feel like trying something different .. going for Vanilla or Strawberry is not a big deal" said the girl..

" I dont accept this reasoning .. gimme a better one" requested the boy...

" hmm... its only when I try other flavors that I realise how much I love chocolate is" quipped the girl and continued " I grew up eating the chocolate flavor, when I was happy it made me happier, when I was sad it cheered me up .. I do love it ... but still .. isnt variety the spice of life so one night if I eat Vanilla the worlds not gonna change.. does it? "

the boy began to think.. and is still thinking when the world around him has changed into a desert after Vanillas intrusion into her dessert..

Paris N Amsterdam

They say that in Paris 'love is in the air'
They also agree that in Amsterdam 'Sex is in the air'

For those living in Europe, Paris and Amsterdam are pretty far from each other. For them they are pretty different, each with its unique beauty -- right from weather to architecture.

For those living in India these cities look pretty close to each other. The cultures and the life styles of the two cities seem so interrelated to each other.

So how interrelated are these two cities ?